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Our books


Caligrama Editores

We are a creative and dynamic project that intends to develop a rich and innovative content collection with both national and international authors, aiming to improve the reading habits among Spanish-speaking children and adults.

We also provide editorial services ranging from the translation to the delivery of final editions to printing centers.

titulo Guía Clandestina...

Our most recent book

Guía clandestina del Viajero Cósmico a los Universos: Star Wars Volumen 2

It’s been over 40 years since audiences all over the world were surprised and captivated by a movie unlike any other. Star Wars was a modern fable that presented an opportunity for anyone to go back to the adventures of their childhood and invited new generations to let their imagination soar.

Ever since then, the universe created by George Lucas has been constantly transforming and expanding, and trying to keep up to date has become a daunting challenge. Where does one begin? What should one watch, read or play...? Taking that into consideration, we know that a bit of help never hurt anybody, and guidance is always welcome. That’s where this collection comes in.

This second volume focuses on the characters that turned to the Dark Side of the Force. The author also delves into some creators and performers, focusing on the Mexican artists that have been a part of the Star Wars saga. The readers will also get to know some charismatic Mexican personas who were inspired by our heroes and used them in their professional careers, as well as the ingenious ways in which others produced unique action figures that are now sought out all around the world.

Ricardo Cachoúa, the writer, is part of that first generation who was marveled by Star Wars on screen, and he has cherished the saga all throughout his life. Collector and avid reader of comic books, novels, technical manuals and all kinds of material created around this universe, Ricardo has been the primary translator of the Star Wars comic book line published by Panini Cómics México in recent years.”

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